L'AUDITORIO: THE LANTERN--an exterior space that is open to the sky above; this reminded me of my project for a loft space sophomore year and also of Rich's sacred space project, but with completely different context! Overall an amazing space, even if uninhabited aside from the occasional passer-by or architecture class!
After coffee next to the lantern, we were turned loose to find our way back to the studio where Christi was waiting to give desk crits on the boards for our first project. We sent Bob on a dinner-buying expedition and surprised him with donuts and "Happy Birthday" on his return just to let him know we didn't forget ;)
Rob brought home fishsticks...LITERALLY; the guy at the store took the frozen fish that Rob wanted and cut it up with a saw (bones, guts, and all...) good thing I'm not a huge fan of fish, huh? It's cool, though, because Bob and Bri did up an all-star meal of fish sticks (from the box), corn, and homemade potato chips...outstanding!