Ben and Meg at the top...I was getting better at not falling at the top of the lift, though I definitely too someone out yesterday! OOPS!
OF COURSE: we had to do those posed shots for our parents...because "who goes to another country to ski?" This is Tom's magazine ad photo!
I LOVE this pic of Bri! He is king of the mountain(s)!
I must note, that I am practically not IN snow...this is because we chose to go down a run basically meant for skiiers...correction-it WAS for skiiers. And just before we gathered to take this pic, i was making my way down a path that is about 10 feet wide-MAX. and the boys all stop, so I figure I'll just go off the the side. To do this I couldn't go down tho, that would mean i would tumble down the slope and it would probably have resulted in death-lol. SO I went up onto the little slope to my right...well--apparently I had a lot of speed from going straight through said path and ended up going over a few rocks, then managed to carve back toward the path and as i disappeared behind a big rock, i grabbed hold and managed to stop. So...basically we are standing in that barren area to the side of the narrow path so as to avoid being run over by skiiers. And I have a personal connection to the terrain! haha
Here is Ben-you know...just hanging out in Andorra, of all places!
The end of our ski-day was enjoyable. I watched Tom jump off the ramp a few times and the boys took one more run... then it was back to the market to grab some food for dinner.
Our day ended with Pasta Aldana and studio diagrams as well as getting a taxi to come pick us up at 5 am to get to the early bus home so we dont get back RIGHT before studio. I'd like to get together with my group and make sure that we have everything we need together and whatnot.