So...apparently drugs are a problem here in Barcelona...the bigger problem is that they get away with it!
Scene: fenced area outside of studio (between moto parking and bball/soccer court)
1-Monica: Oh my GOD--that guy is totally scratching himself uncontrollably...what a weirdo.
Scene: same-10 minutes later, 2 men in corner of fenced area against a wall
1-Rob: Whoa--those guys are shooting up!
2-Us: WHAT?!
Scene:same-10 minutes later. Everyone in studio has positioned their chairs to watch the newest taping of "Cops, Espanol-style" outside our studio window as two Policia pull up on scooters behind said drug-addicts and peek over to tell the men they need-a-talkin'-to (in so many words). CUA students glued to studio chairs....this is the first TV we've seen in months, and there is no sound and it is subtitled like Asian movies.
Scene: 15 minutes later. Suspects have retreated from said fenced area, leaving some sort of bags behind in bushes. Concerned citizen Chiapa has placed a phonecall to Policia in charge to advise them of "the goods." Students still glued. Two po-po, two druggies-chatting on the playground. Little soccer-players climb up into fenced area to retrieve a ball kicked over the fence...
"other way, man!"
"His friend sees it. We're good."
"Smart kid."
Students wipe sweat from brow. Drug-encounter crisis averted.
Scene: 10 minutes later.
"Wait--they are letting them walk?!"
"Wait--they're probably doing something. Nope. Nevermind."
"Oh My God-they are just letting them walk away!"
"Alright. Show's over, back to work."
"Do you think they'll check for the drugs? Someone keep us updated."
Scene: 1 hour later. Students ready to hit the beach. They may have missed it yesterday...but seeing the Barca game totally counts as a good reason.
"There's probably someone who saw us watching and thinks we called."
"Well someone else obviously called. We're good."
Meg: "That guy has been outside the door and AWFULLY long time..."
"We going?"
Exit studio.
"...Did you see that guy's earpiece?...secret police..."
LA PLAYA--our own TV show/soap opera...coming soon.