It's tough to get back into the swing of things, not only having been gone for over a week, but in a country with a completely different language and way of life. I haven't spoken spanish since I've gotten back, nor have I really listened for it on the streets as I've walked back and forth from studio to the apartment.

Not much to speak of today. I did a lot of sleeping then went to studio where we are working on the block scale in studio which should hopefully be a bit easier than the urban design stage. Our proposal is pictured in the sketchup model above in red.
We had to pick one of the blocks that our group designed so that the 3 of us are working on the same site. From there we are working individually to modify the block's massing and, later on, to design a building on the block. We picked a good block, I think because it is a good transition point between the neighborhoods that are existing and the plaza that we designed in the center. The block is a combination of two blocks that exist currently, to the mountain side of the plaza. In the proposal they are on the top, and we have created massing of two L-shaped Cerda blocks to create smaller green spaces before people reach the main city center.
I'm making dinner tonight...and Rachel inspired me this weekend, so I'm going to do French Toast--which I haven't done since "Noon O'Clock Breakfast" with Mitch, Jung, Molly, and Steve back in Buffalo (yeah, that IS a long time). Wish me "suerte!"