The lights change.
Sometimes you are the car, waiting to see what will happen when people cross your path.
Sometimes, the pedestrian, waiting for the little green man to light up and tell you that its ok to cross the street.
Sometimes you don't have to wait at all.
You may or may not look both ways, but you go
without a red light to tell you otherwise.
Still other times there is no waiting, nor moving forward.
Sometimes you are simply the light, directing traffic of all sorts as it comes into and leaves your sight.
Cars, pedestrians, lights.
Whether we are waiting, moving along, or doing seemingly nothing,
be it frustrating, busy, easy-going, or boring,
when we zoom out, and take a look at that view
we see that no matter how we feel, what role we play, or how we change from red to yellow to green and back...
we see from this view that it doesn't matter.
What we see through this view is that the city, with all of its many parts,
its "stops," its "cautions" and its "gos" working.
Every piece is functioning as it should, and this is the sign of a good city.
Then the light goes green, and you are no longer stopped, waiting and thinking...
You forget that you are just that tiny piece of the city design until the next red,
when you will again sort out your own role in the machine called "city."