You get there and you aren't sure which way to go, who's going to tell you the truth, what's coming next. You're all decked out and ready to go nuts. A million sets of stairs couldn't stop your excitement...
It's FC Barcelona Futbol...more than a club.
It's FC Barcelona Futbol...more than a club. isn't quite the Barca-Madrid game we watched at Nubaa...but Eugenia tells us that it's still a rival team from a tiny town outside of Madrid with lots of heart.
We are a bit early, unsure of the crowds that might we have an hour or so to take in the 2nd largest stadium in the world, after one in Brazil. It's called Camp Nou ("New Camp" or maybe it's new "field" since campo is castellano for field...but the catala throws me off, so take your pick for now!). Billy Tom and I are psyched...we couldn'y have come here and NOT seen a Barca game! Wish all of my soccer kids since Mr. Maxwell's 4th grade recess could be here!
SNACK TIME...or rather dinner time...the game starts at 9. Sausage baguette instead of hot dogs on a's like royal treatment...or Europe.