I neglected to mention that yesterday was the first day of carnaval, which started out as a religious tradition before lent and has since become an all-out weeklong fiesta! The kids were all dressed up yesterday as if it were Halloween. My favorite costume was definitely a zebra. I'm pretty convinced that everyone should have to lighten up a bit and wear costumes to school/work/etc at times like these.
We had graphic design class today. I was sure that I had everything that was asked of us, but I forgot to bring my grid study with me to the cafe where we met, so I got an incomplete. I printed out my layouts and everything, which looked funny even though I put them in CMYK (because printers can only handle these while pictures are taken with the colors of light-RGB). I did them in photoshop, but we are going to start learning In-Design, which will be cool.
Studio was helpful-we got an intro to urban design analysis. I think Christi sensed that we were all a little burnt out. We used trace and maps and markers, and did a ton of analyses really quickly. It seemed so easy when we were all there watching. Hopefully it will be that easy when we continue to do new ones ourselves.
After studio we went to Gran Via for a bit. The night ended weird with the Aldana boys in strange states...the walk home was frustrating. I'm going straight to bed.