Today we had to get up early for our 9am sketching class. We started out in studio watching a slideshow presented by Eugenia. Then she presented us each with a watercolor set! We spent the rest of the class practicing our mad watercoloring skills! I am terrible--but I'm really excited to get better at it as a different medium to convey architecture!
We started out with simple exercises, but by the end of class we had each painted something of substance...I painted a soap dispenser...THAT's RIGHT: A soap dispenser! I was so proud that I told everyone I was going to send it home to mom to put on the refrigerator! haha.

We were pretty beat by the end of class (especially Monica!) but we got a break for siesta before returning to studio for our first official studio class. We are still waiting for wireless internet to be set up so that we can email and get our lives in order (what did people do before internet?!).
For studio class, we got an introduction to our overall semester project, where we will be creating a proposal for Placa de los Glories. To get started, we are splitting up into groups of two and analyzing 2 of about 9 plazas that we will be visiting. Today we went to Plaza de la Universitat,

then Placa de Catalunya, at the end of Las Ramblas. Not only was I afraid I was going to be divebombed or pooped on by the millions of pigeons, but Brian and I were practically mortified when we watched one fall out of a tree and be paralized as it tried to fly away but found its legs broken underneath him. I have a picture of Bri attempting to save it, but it was beyond repair. Bob came over and while looking in the bushes nearby, he counted almost 10 others dead on the ground. It was we cheered ourselves up by walking through the 7 story chain mall called "El Corte Ingles."

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