So--after lots of work to figure out the actual topo lines of Placa de les Glories, the group effort kicked in more than ever to get the base produced so we could start making the actual building on the site. It's a pretty tough process so much so that I'm going to give a short list of tasks that go into the model itself, before any buildings can even be placed.
I took a plan of the proposal for a new road plan and green space for Glories, and placed it into a CAD drawing so that the lines for the topo could be drawn on in different layers. We used section drawings created for the same proposal to get the main points for the topo, then used the European topo map of the square (consisting of points with meters above sea level listed) to fill in the rest of the points in between the ones given by the sections. From that I could draw lines for each meter of rise in the land in order to build the model. Because there were 14 meters of difference between our lowest and highest points, we chose to simplify them to 7 layers, each 2 meters in height, and so began the model-making process.
Since we do not have a plotter like we do at Catholic, and our model is so large (about 4 or 5 feet in width and length) we came up with the idea to use the projector. By hooking up the computer with the CAD drawing of the topo lines, we could trace the topo lines onto trace paper. We had to do this in multiple pieces since our trace paper is only about 2 feet wide.
After completing the entire topo on trace and matching them up to make sure they fit, we could begin to transfer this info onto chipboard. To do this, we traced the lines with a ballpoint pen to make an imprint on the chipboard below. From that imprint we could either retrace to see it better, or just cut straight from the print.
We needed 4 pieces of chipboard cut for each of the 7 you can imagine this was quite a feat! Unlike the chipboard we are used to, this chipboard is very warped...we are hoping that with the glue and a bunch of books and other heavy objects around studio (laptops, backpacks, human beings...haha) we will be able to flatten out the pieces as the glue dries.
After the pieces are glued together and dried, we have to make sure that everything fits together correctly. This requires lots of sanding!
While we work on the topo, we also have to be getting prepared to make buildings for the model, so we are also tracing the city blocks out t be cut when we complete the topo. Our presentation boards are also in progress...ALL AT ONCE!
As you can tell, we are all pretty hard at work...but it will all be worth it when we get to the Field Trip at the end of this week! Check out the process in pictures:

SEAN-working on the computer.

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