I got back to the apartment and used Aunt Donna's bubble bath stuff to take my first bath in...years?! Then climbed into bed for a few hours and woke up feeling MUCH better.
After the boys got back, they told me we were all going to dinner at a pizza place called Veronica's in the Old City near Christi's Aptmt.
Bob and Tom were ready to go...

We got a ton of different types of pizza, which were all really good, then headed down the street to a bar Christi knew of. The following is an excerpt from my journal: "Our huge group walking anywhere is like a "DO NOT APPROACH" sign, not to mention walking into the bars here with 12 people is like putting an elephant in the refridgerator."
Absenta was the alcoholic-hallucinogenic drink of the night...so Monica Tom and I had a funny time walking all of our little participants home through the back alleys, Las Ramblas, then along Gran Via! We were safe, no worries--and we have yet to get eggs, or pee thrown at us from windows...I guess we'll save that for a big outing!?! haha.
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