So, we hit the road again, heading further south along the Romantic road, where you can't go a mile without seeing a castle...what a tough life, huh?!

Our first and only out-of-the-car-castle-photo-shoot.

The boys, taking in the views.

Bob and the Rhein River
Near the end of the Romantic Road is a mystical place known as Loreley. Legend has it that sailors crashed into a rock here when they were distracted by the voice of a beautiful siren! We had to check it out...obviously.

Apparently we were the ONLY ones who thought this was a good idea.
Team Germany! Bob Tom and Me at the Loreley overlook
It was a long walk up...and what goes up must return down this long, slippery, winding set of stairs...just like Tom and Bob!
"Over you see that siren?" "No...that's an empty Loreley Info Center!"

Not only has we climbed lots of stairs, but those stairs were on top of a large hill/mtn of sorts...which we drove up. On the way down, however, we noticed a path for wanderers...and since we know that in Germany, it is a pasttime to wander...we did.

A HUGE statue of said Loreley siren.

Town of Loreley...which actually respects the water, unlike in good old fact--the only buildings they seem to have are within site of the Rhein.

Ok, so we had another photoshoot of the castle at Loreley...but it was only because all of the castles were closed because it's not tourist season here.
PB and J sandwiches made without knives, gummy bears, and some agua...then back on the road toward Wurzberg!
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