Check It Out!

Friday, April 6, 2007

La ciudad entera: The whole city


Sunset at La Fira

Jess...typical ;-)



Madre y Padre chillin on the steps of Museo Nacional de Arte

Jess...looking HAPPY--no way! haha She's pumped for the fountain show...can't you tell?

Daddy's's not snowing...there is serious liquid in the air from all of the splashing ftns!

Dad enjoying Font Magica

The ladies: Jess and Ma

Yes...this is the Fira in all her glory's supposed to rain all week and I'm pretty sure that the best way to see a city is when it's sunny...especially after I am constantly bragging about how Barca is ALWAYS gorgeous! Today, though, we totally lucked out and it was sunny! So I basically took the fam everywhere I could think of that we could fit into one day...and I think they pretty much hate me now...except for the fact that I took them to get churros from the old woman in Gracia...which=much love, even though I don't know street names! :-D

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