Starting off from the casa...

AKA "Calle Aldana" or "Aldana Street"

Billy...being a bouncer at the entry to our building

One of the things I love about Barcelona
We (Brian, Jake, Brandon, Billy, and I) met up with Sean and Vic, as they had promised me they would take me to the vintage stores next time they went. So I searched the streets, to no avail...even the locals hadn't heard of it, and finally we wandered into it, and saw them walking down the street towards us..."fancy meeting you here!" haha.

Being tour guides for our arch friends from Rome + Brandon,
Billy and I took them to Raval, Las Ramblas, and Plaza Reial, before I headed to the beach to meet Vic, since we were supposed to go there but the boys had a change of heart and wanted to see the Gaudi stuff today before it closed.

I walked at a good pace, but made sure to pass my favorite buildings, including the gas building, with its crazy cantilever...see if you can figure this picture took me a few minutes to get it the way I wanted it.

This is the hotel to the mountain-side of the Frank Gehry fish (aka "whale") at the beach. I really like this covered outdoor courtyard underneath the building, and the way the structure is exposed on the outside.

The marina restaurants

Vic is upset...

My last Barca sunset for a while...
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