We took off an hour late from Philly because someone on the plane was sick, needed to leave and be checked out, then had to have his bags removed since he couldn't return to the plane. This is all heresay, as I was sleeping for the hour that we were sitting at the terminal. Takeoff was delayed because they were switching runways...so I arrived in Germany around 6:40 am...about 40 minutes late (they fly their planes fast, I guess).
We had a "remote terminal" which basically means we had "no terminal"...so we just parked our big bird out on the tarmac somewhere, got off all groggy at 6:30 am after a 7-or-so-hour flight, got on buses, and were driven to customs. It was very confusing because there was a split...one for "connecting flights," and 1 for "customs." But I had to do BOTH! So, I did the customs line thing after asking a security guy herding people around, stood wondering how long I was going to miss my flight (boarding at 7:20 am) by. I got through customs, no problem, but the girl suggested I contact someone in Spain about a living permit to carry when traveling? I wasn't too concerned as it was already almost 7 and I had no clue where I was.
My baggage was checked through to Spain and I was checked through as well, so I checked my ticket and it said Gate B6...yeah well...I leave the customs area and am dumped into the baggage claim...what?! I try to go through a door to the waiting area, but apparently it doesn't work that way and I had to walk around a hunk of concrete, known as a wall...to get to another set of sliding doors leading to the same place. This, of course, ddn't help me much as I couldn't find any signs to B6 nor did I see any help or Information desks...so I went up the escalator, and saw a sign to Terminal B. My brain decided this looked right, so I followed the signs until I got to a sign to B6, where I took another escalator to the top and found that there weren't any people at B6 except for the 3 taking a cigarette break (people smoke EVERYWHERE in Europe)!
Went to a Departure screen and saw my flight was leaving from Gate A34...Long story short: I ran through the airport with two carry-on bags at 6:30 in the morning not having slept, and the total distance between Terminal B, gate 6, and Terminal A, gate 34...is probably about a mile long. AWESOME! In the process of going through security one of the guards asked me in German if I had (enter listed items in German HERE)...I asked him (in German) to repeat himself. He looked at me like I was crazy, repeated, and I said "no" and he waved me to the next point...I still have no clue what I denied carrying with me-so if I end up in jail, you know why.
The flight to Barcelona was only about 2 hours long--Europe is TINY! haha. Somehow I got assigned the same seat as another woman...really not surprising considering the fact that my gate was changed to practically another COUNTRY!
We had a "remote terminal" which basically means we had "no terminal"...so we just parked our big bird out on the tarmac somewhere, got off all groggy at 6:30 am after a 7-or-so-hour flight, got on buses, and were driven to customs. It was very confusing because there was a split...one for "connecting flights," and 1 for "customs." But I had to do BOTH! So, I did the customs line thing after asking a security guy herding people around, stood wondering how long I was going to miss my flight (boarding at 7:20 am) by. I got through customs, no problem, but the girl suggested I contact someone in Spain about a living permit to carry when traveling? I wasn't too concerned as it was already almost 7 and I had no clue where I was.
My baggage was checked through to Spain and I was checked through as well, so I checked my ticket and it said Gate B6...yeah well...I leave the customs area and am dumped into the baggage claim...what?! I try to go through a door to the waiting area, but apparently it doesn't work that way and I had to walk around a hunk of concrete, known as a wall...to get to another set of sliding doors leading to the same place. This, of course, ddn't help me much as I couldn't find any signs to B6 nor did I see any help or Information desks...so I went up the escalator, and saw a sign to Terminal B. My brain decided this looked right, so I followed the signs until I got to a sign to B6, where I took another escalator to the top and found that there weren't any people at B6 except for the 3 taking a cigarette break (people smoke EVERYWHERE in Europe)!
Went to a Departure screen and saw my flight was leaving from Gate A34...Long story short: I ran through the airport with two carry-on bags at 6:30 in the morning not having slept, and the total distance between Terminal B, gate 6, and Terminal A, gate 34...is probably about a mile long. AWESOME! In the process of going through security one of the guards asked me in German if I had (enter listed items in German HERE)...I asked him (in German) to repeat himself. He looked at me like I was crazy, repeated, and I said "no" and he waved me to the next point...I still have no clue what I denied carrying with me-so if I end up in jail, you know why.
The flight to Barcelona was only about 2 hours long--Europe is TINY! haha. Somehow I got assigned the same seat as another woman...really not surprising considering the fact that my gate was changed to practically another COUNTRY!

It was fine, though, because they gave me food and I got a window seat instead of an aisle seat since the flight wasn't full.

I could see the coast when we flew into Barcelona. It was beautiful, and surreal, and WOW!
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