I flew US Air to Frankfurt, and sat in the window seat of the last row of the plane next to a woman from Switzerland. We had pasta (which was spicy), vanilla yogurt, crackers with cheese, and bread with butter for dinner. It was hard to have such a long flight on the window seat, because my bag didnt fit under the seat in front of me, so every time I wanted something I would have had to make my neighbor get up...so I only asked her to get up once, then I took the opportunity to get to my bag when she would get up to go to the bathroom or whatnot. The TVs weren't working, so I listened to my iPod for a bit. I figured it would be easy to get on the European schedule if I could get to sleep for 7 hours or so on my plane ride, wake up when I landed at 6 am, and stay up all day.

Suddenly, I realized a huge difference in the view...land! I wish there had been an airplane radio station giving me a tour of Europe from the air! I was trying to get an idea of our location, but ended up just being sucked into the amazing amount of lights in one area and complete darkness in others. I wondered what the world was like before electricity, which was good because then I fell asleep.
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